

In Black and White 2 universe, there are four major tribes. First one is Greeks, which comes as defult tribe type for players. Then Japanese, Norse and last, arch enemy of Greeks, the Aztecs... Tribal Pack Plus lets you play Black and White 2 as all these available tribe types. You can also hot switch between tribes while you're on the game. There are also multiple improvements such as patches and additional contents. You can use Tribal Pack Plus on both Black and White 2 and B&W2 - Battle of The Gods.

Additional Features

Tribal Pack Plus comes with additional features. Some can be executed with key combinations, others can be unlocked by playing the game. All of the additional contents are listed below. (you need to read documentation or readme for full information about how to use additional features).

New Army Types and Upgraded Platoons

When your capital reaches a "town" or "metropolis" status and the number of melee and ranged buildings were reached to certain amount, additional platoon variants will be unlocked. You can switch between additional platoon types with the key combination of "shift + 5".
alt-platoon-1 alt-platoon-2 alt-platoon-2

Color Swapping

You can swap your player color with the key combination of "shift + 8" whenever you want.

Intercultural Towns

You can switch your tribe type while playing the game with the key combination of "shift + 7". By doing that your pre-built building won't change thus you can create intercultural towns. Here is one magnificent city that contains all four tribe types made by Bill with Tribal Pack Plus.


  • Black & White 2
  • Black & White 2 - Battle of The Gods



Works on

  • B&W2 Unofficial Patch v1.42


  • 268MB